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All BCPS Schools will be closed until June 19th.
For all COVID-19 updates, please click here.
School Hours for 2023- 2023:
Monday- Thursday
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Dismissal: 3:00 PM
Arrival: 7:55- 8:10
Dismissal: 1:25 PM
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Visitor Information
All parents and visitors entering Watershed are required to sign in on the Raptor system in
the main office. The first time a visitor signs in, s/he will be asked to present a government issued photo ID or a driver’s license.
The identification presented will be used to create a
visitor’s pass. The visitor’s pass must always be worn and remain clearly visible for the duration
of the visit.
Persons visiting Watershed will also be required to sign-out in the main office
before leaving the school building. Non-parent visitors will only be permitted in the building for
“business” purposes as determined by the school principal.
The principal or designee reserves the right to restrict visiting privileges for anyone who violates
any school policies and/or causes a disruption. The school principal or designee also reserves
the right to restrict visitation rights during certain events and/or during testing.